Tempe The Cultural Food In Indonesia

We all have known tempeh. Knowing his form, and instead have regular eating.
    Tempe, many circulating in Indonesia, any time can easily be found. Wholesalers and retailers sell tempeh wares in stalls in the market, and so on.

    In the city, the markets are always crowded. Every day many people were buying and selling needs of everyday life, there tempe seller to sell his wares. No need to move because in general has had a permanent place to sell. Another with a village, in the village market on average only opened twice every five days. For merchants selling wares tempeh had moved, went to the market one, then the next day move on to other markets, which are also present in other villages.

    There is another way of other commonly performed olaeh tempe seller in the city. Traders or retailers tempe it around to the villages of peddle wares. Entrance hall out in the hallway, through the streets and alleyways. Into the homes of alternating offers tempeh to the mother. The mother who wants to cook tempeh mother lived mention how many dollars would buy. No need to go all the way to leave home to shop.

    We are familiar with various ingredients tempeh. Mostly in the form of seed nuts or fruit seeds flowering plants butterflies. Soybean seeds ingredients that include soy nuts, seeds winged fruits, seeds surly, turi fruit seeds, and others. Besides seeds seeds lamtara Lantara / chinese farmers can be made into tempe

    Tempe is usually named after the material. So there is an assortment of tempeh, for example:
   1. Soybean tempeh (soybean)
   2. Tempe lamtara (from seed lamtara)
   3. Tempe surly (from fruit surly)
   4. Tempe Botor (winged fruit from the seed. Seeds winged fruit by the Javanese called Botor)

   From a variety of tempeh was the most famous is soy tempeh. In addition to taste, as well easy way of making more. Material is also in the form of soy is already in production everywhere. While other types tempe though it feels too good, only to be found in a new certain places.
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